Machine Translation Post-Editing: A Look at the Future

Machine translation is increasingly becoming faster and more accurate in interpreting not only words but also phrases and sentences. Nevertheless, they are still not as reliable as human translators. This is why Machine Translation Post-Editing or MTPE came into the picture. Professional translation companies are now offering this service to clients as this provides the best of both worlds; speed and accuracy.


Read on to know more about how machine translation post-editing and how it is transforming the industry:


Handles large-volume of texts

Machine translation refers to the automatic translation of words from one language to another using software or application. There is no human intervention involved in the process. The main advantage of machine translators is that they can translate in a wide range of languages.


Machine translations are used by professional translators when they are handling a large volume of translation projects. With the help of these tools, they can work quickly and efficiently. What takes them weeks can be done in just a few days (quality assurance included).


Ensure accuracy of the translation

Used alone, machine translation tools can't ever guarantee accurate, complete, and faithful translation of the original text. That's because these tools cannot read context or recognise the idioms, colloquial expression, as well as artistic language. That's why human intervention is still needed in a process called machine translation post-editing.


Meticulous professional translators decipher the quality of the translated content, checking for mistranslations, grammatical errors, and the subtlest mistakes. They consider the text's intent and recognise the tone of the content. They see if flow and clarity are achieved by the machine translator. After considering all these, they can now edit and make corrections which results in accurate and high-quality translated content.


More efficient and affordable

More and more businesses are reaching to professional translation agencies to help them localise their content and technical documents and ultimately, reach the global market. Through machine translation post-editing service, they can reduce not only the turn-over time but also the overall cost of translation. It's a cost-effective option that benefits both them and the translation agency.


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